Korea Guide

How to Make Friends in Korea?

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Discover tips for making friends in Korea as a digital nomad or traveler. Stay in hostels, embrace your hobbies, and attend meetups and organized events to connect with like-minded individuals. Build a network of connections and enhance your experience in this beautiful country!
Dec 2, 2023
Korea Guide

How to Make Friends in Korea: A Guide for Foreigners

To make your life easier in the future, I'm creating this community to help you as a digital nomad or traveler in Korea. A lot of people overlook the importance of having a contact person whom you can reach out to when you have questions. Having a friend in a different country can open more doors than reading some reviews on Google.
Making friends in a foreign country can be a bit challenging, but in Korea, it can also be an exciting and rewarding experience. Contrary to what most people might tell you, being in a foreign country actually opens you up to new experiences and makes you more outgoing. It's all about your mindset and energy when it comes to making connections with others. Here are some tips based on my personal experiences of making friends around the world.

Stay in Hostels

When traveling to a different country, consider staying in hostels. They provide an opportunity to meet travelers from all over the world, making it a fantastic way to make friends and build connections. Not only will you meet people from diverse backgrounds, but you may also find fellow travelers who are looking to make friends just like you. These connections can last a lifetime, and whenever you visit their home countries, they will warmly welcome you.
If you're someone who prefers not to make a plan, staying in hostels offers the advantage of joining groups of people with their own itineraries. Additionally, I suggest talking to the hosts when you don't know anyone. They can provide valuable insights about living in the country, including secret spots that other tourists might not know about.
Contrary to what you might imagine, you don't have to sleep in a 50-person bunk bed. Many hostels offer private rooms for booking, while still providing common areas where you can connect with other travelers.
During my solo travels over the past 10 years, I have made friendships that continue to this day. Whenever I'm in town, I reach out to them and we meet up in their country.
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Embrace Your Hobbies

If you have a hobby or passion, use it as an opportunity to make friends in Korea. Whether it's playing a sport, joining a club, or attending classes, pursuing your interests can lead you to like-minded individuals. For example, I joined a Mixed Martial Arts Gym last year and was warmly welcomed by the gym members. They are incredibly friendly, and after a good session of sparring and training together, you will grow closer than ever. I have also visited different gyms to find the one that suits me best. The members are often curious about foreigners and sometimes organize dinners to get to know each other outside of the gym. Additionally, I have met a group of runners and participated in four marathons this year. Having a hobby makes it incredibly easy to make friends, as the shared activity transcends the language barrier.
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Attend Meetups and Organized Events

Keep an eye out for meetups and organized events happening in Korea. These events bring people together who share similar interests or are looking to meet new people. From language exchange meetups to cultural events, there are plenty of opportunities to connect with others who are also eager to make friends.


Remember, friendships can be formed anywhere when you are open to it! Approach each interaction with curiosity and an explorative mindset. In Korea, you may encounter curious looks and questions because many people you meet may have never traveled abroad. Embrace the chance to share your experiences and be patient with any cultural differences or misunderstandings. Stay open, be friendly, and don't easily get offended by ignorance.
By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to making friends and building a network of connections in Korea. Enjoy the journey of friendship and the richness it brings to your experience in this beautiful country!

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